Friday, September 21, 2012


For those of you who know me - this post isn't going to be anything new... probably just a clarification of what you already know. For those of you just finding me on your random search, the following will provide you with a bit of information as to my background and personal character.


Now that I have that out of the way, let's get down to what this blog is about. I believe that humanity, in all its glory and flawed nature, is the source and the truth of art. Throughout the course of human history, everyday lives of people have played out through expression of intent and emotional awareness.  For this reason, I say humanity IS art in and of itself. The frustrations we all experience, the common joys we have together and apart, unite us in an artful mosaic that plays the symphony of life.

I am the audience; You are the audience; We are the performers.

So, this blog is a small commentary on the art of everyday life, and the big things playing out at home and abroad. Here, I will focus on the major shifts of human history, art, and life - be them political, sociological or artistic in form. I guess I could say the focus is on Humanity.

My background is in English, but I have studied current events, history, philosophy, education, sociology, anthropology, theatre, chemistry, biology, music, art history, and mathematics throughout my career as a human being, as have many of you - especially if you are reading this.  My hope is to apply my own humble opinion to the goings on of everyday human life.

Since many of us know the truth about politics - that BOTH major parties are out to take our money and give it to people who have a lot more of it than we do; BOTH major political parties want power, and will say anything to get it; BOTH major parties have propaganda organizations acting on their behalf - I will say that I side with reality, scientific and historic consensus, and common sense.  Since both major political parties are out to give us the proverbial SHAFT - I prefer the one who likes to use lubricant.  

I have read too much philosophy to believe in religion.  I have a faith in something, I call It God, and I think It's in all life - as many religions do.  We should be good to one another - all religions say this.  We should respect our elders and strive to help our neighbor.  "How" becomes the question, and when we can understand that we all come from the same place in our faiths and political ideology, we can begin to have a conversation about something truly amazing.  When we can accept a possibility that we are wrong, the true communication can begin.

Thank you for reading.          

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